Sail Camp 2023: Progetto di Riabilitazione Psico-Fisica per Pazienti Onco-Ematologici - 3° round
Event Start: sabato, 29 luglio 2023
Event End: domenica, 30 luglio 2023
In partnership with Associazione Italiana Contro le Leucemie, i Linfomi ed il Mieloma
The appointment with sAIL Camp is back again this year, a project organised in collaboration with the Brescia Section of the AIL and aimed at encouraging a rehabilitation process for oncology and haematology patients, leading them to feel well in everyday life, reinforcing their sense of mastery, autonomy and self-efficacy. The initiative will give patients the opportunity to start a psycho-physical rehabilitation process specially designed for them, with the accompaniment of professionals and psychologists.
The project will take place on four different weekends between May and September in the beautiful location of Campione del Garda (BS). Here are the dates:
20-21 May
08-09 July
29-30 July
23-24 September
The project is open to patients from all over Italy in therapeutic follow-up. Light physical activity is envisaged, for which good mobility and the absence of bone fractures and orthopaedic aids are required. Participation must be authorised by the referring haematologist by means of a clearance certificate to be sent during registration.
In order to participate, it is necessary to write an e-mail to prenotazioni@ailbrescia.it indicating name, surname and a telephone number where AIL Brescia staff will call you back. After sending the email, the patient will be contacted to arrange an interview in person or remotely, during which he/she will be able to ask questions and receive detailed information on the organisation and running of the Camp. The participation fee is 30 euros.
SAIL Camp is a psychological rehabilitation project, therefore most of the weekend will be dedicated to structured activities led by the relevant professionals, always coordinated by the referring psychologists
In order to facilitate the success of the activities, attention must be paid to respecting the timetables indicated in the programme.
AIL Brescia will only and exclusively guarantee bus transfers to and from Campione del Garda and Toscolano Maderno, as well as the activities indicated in the Camp programme, unless bad weather conditions make it impossible to carry them out.
First day
08:00 Departure from Brescia
09:00 Arrival at the camp site, check in
10:00 Presentation of the sAIL Camp
11:00 Basics of sailing
12:00 Lunch
14:00 Boat outing
16:30 Free time with the possibility of a walk in the surroundings
20:00 Dinner
21:30 Mandala workshop
Day Two
08:30 Breakfast
10:00 Nutrition education meeting
12:00 Lunch
14:00 Walk through the Paper Mill Valley of Toscolano Maderno
16:30 Departure from Toscolano Maderno
18:00 Arrival in Brescia
N.B. Return time is indicative and will depend on traffic conditions