Strada della Forra - the "James Bond Road"

Strada della Forra - the "James Bond Road"

Winston Churchill called it the eighth wonder of the world and many think that this road is the most scenic in the world. The “Strada della Forra” was built in 1913 to replace the only steep path linking the port to the highlands of Tremosine. The 6-kilometer-long Provincial road 38 from Porto di Tremosine to Pieve, follows the course of River Brasa through a series of tunnels and glimpses of Lake Garda.

Motorbike (or bicycle for the lover) is surely the most convenient choice to travel this stretch of road, as it has some narrow sections. But don't worry, it can also be travelled by car, just a little more cautiously.

The start of the road is about 2 km from Campione del Garda and once you arrive in Pieve you can continue for another 6 km towards Vesio, for a total of 14 km. The itinerary can also be done downhill, reaching Vesio and Pieve from Limone sul Garda via SP 115, then heading to Porto di Tremosine.

A piece of advice: don’t try to copy James Bond’s chase in his 22nd film, the Quantum of Solace, which took place in this very same road, but rather enjoy the surrounding landscape. Take your time to admire the views of the lake, the dizzyingly high walls of the gorge, listen to the Brasa river flow or enjoy the spectacle of the scenic lights that are switched on in the evening.

All this beauty is currently being restored, and we are looking forward to the end of September so that we can ride through it again in safety!


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